Monday, October 26, 2009

the perfect day

If I only had 24 hours to live I would do everything that I always wanted to do before I die. First I would freak out for like 10 minutes cause that would suck if right when you wake up you were told from a doctor that you only had 24 hours to live. I would ask if there is anyway that I can stay alive or do something to stop whatever’s happening to me. I would want the biggest and best breakfast that I ever had like a big omlet and bacon and sausage and hash browns with some strawberry milk to drink. Then I would take a really nice shower. Then I would call all of my friends and do stuff with them for a few hours. For example I’d call my friends Derek and Corey and skate with them for a little bit and then I would go dirt biking with them for a few hours. Then I would call my friends Kaylie and Heather and Paige and spend some time with them. Then I would play some football with all of my friends. Then I would have a really nice lunch with everybody that I know. Then in the afternoon I wow spend some time with all of my family. Then after my family I would take my mom and my best friends out somewhere like skydiving or do something dangerous. Then I would go out and blow all of my money on like and brand new dirt bike and then give it to one of my friends and buy like things to give people before I die then I would have a really nice breakfast like a big juicy steak with fries and a full throttle and then for dessert I would get a big cookie dough shake. Then I would party until I couldn’t party anymore. Then I would say my goodbyes and go to sleep.

jokes and riddles

1. What falls but never gets hurt?
2. What kind of room has no walls, no floor and no ceiling?
3. What can get bigger without getting heavier?
4. If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what does it become ?
5. What do you call a deer with no eyes ?
6. What is at the end of everything ?
7. What starts with "T", ends with "T" and is full of "T" ?
8. Which is the longest word in English?
9. Why do bees always have sticky hair?
10. If it takes 10 men 3 hours to dig a hole how long does it take to dig a half of a hole?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10 years

In 10 years I would like to have gone to college so that I could get a job as a mechanic or just get a job fixing up cars. I love cars and I have always been interested in them. Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to help my dad work on his car and I wanted to do that one day when I got older. If I couldn’t get a job fixing up cars I would at least want to get a hands on job because I cant sit in a office doing work on a computer of writing papers. In 10 years I would have also liked to own my own house or apartment because I want my own place to hang out and not have a mom constantly nagging me to do thing or not have to have sisters around to make me mad all the time. I would like to race dirtbikes with my friends and race on a team for fun. I would like to own my own decent car not a car that I would have in high school. In 10 years I would just like to settle down and get school off my mind and just relaxe for a little bit then work on getting my career going.